Wednesday, April 22, 2020

There Are Several Methodist Churches With The United Methodist Church

There are several Methodist churches with the United Methodist Church being the most common of all the Methodist churches. The Untied Methodist Church has a certain way of running things, just as every church does. Here are the top ten guidelines to being a United Methodist: 10. We are a church that encourages a strong pulpit. The people come expecting to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed powerfully. 9. We are a church that encourages a strong , warmhearted personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ is it at the heart of everything we do. 8. We are a worldwide church. You can find a United Methodist church, mission, school. hospital or clinic in many villages, hamlets, towns or cities around the world. 7. We are an open, inclusive church. Our members come from every culture and every socio- economic group and all are embraced. We have more Asian American and Native- American members than any other denomination. We are second in number of Hispanic- American members. We have more African- American members than several other denominations combined. In addition, we have been at the forefront in encouraging women to give strong leadership in the church and therefore we have more women clergy than any other denomination. 6. We are a giving church. Every person who joins the Unites Methodist Church promises to serve God and support the church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service, and that pledge of loyalty enables us to give generously to benevolence and mission efforts. 5. We are a church with a family spirit. That family spirit enables us to be there for each other in our joys and sorrows from the cradle to the grave. 4. We are a church that owns and operates many colleges, hospitals, children's homes for the elderly; plus we operate the oldest church-owned publishing house in the world. 3. We are a church that reaches out with deep compassion to help hurting people. Our UM committee on Relief is quickly on the scene all over the world wherever there is a natural disaster or any kind of pain or heartache to provide aid and love and care. 2. We are a church with a great social creed that has been an inspiration to all Christendom. 1. We continue Christ's ministry of preaching, teaching, healing and caring. It seems that of all the denominations, the Methodist religion is very accepting. They have homosexual ministers, black ministers, and female ministers. This can be very rare in other denominations. At the General conference not too long ago, the UM church apologized to the blacks for the discrimination they suffered. This is also a rare finding in a church The Methodist religion is different from many others. It seems that it's goal for humanity is for everyone to have their own individual relationship or bond with Christ, they prize this more than anything. Even though they are very non discriminating they still have their own set of rules to go by, just as every church does. The Methodist religion is very interesting and somewhat different than what most religions are. Bibliography 1. Academic American Encyclopedia. Groiler Incorporated. Danbury, Conneticut. Copyright 1996. 2. tml.pages 1-4. September 28, 2000 3. pages 1-9. September 28, 2000 4. Pamplet: Whats So Great About Being A United Methodist? 5. The United Mehtodist Church on Normandy. 6. Youth Ministry Director at the UM church on Normandy. Personal Interview. 19 October 2000 7. The World Book Encyclopedia. Volume 13. World Book Copyright 2000. Printed U.S.A

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