Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Introduction to Psychology Essay examples - 1348 Words

Introduction to Psychology The concern about life is a main human characteristic. No matter if his concern is concentrated in himself or in persons or things that surround him and constitute his environment, everybody wants to know why people, himself included, behave the way they behave. Everybody, also, wants to improve his behavior, so as to live in harmony with himself and the society. The Greek word Psychology, is a word consisted of the words #968;#965;#967;#942;-soul and #955;#972;#947;#959;#962;-utterance, talk. So, generally, psychology is the science that examines the soul. But , since the psychologists work on the problems of the personal, family, school, professional and social life, we could say, more†¦show more content†¦The heartbeats, the movements of our head are behavior. The way we eat, the way we drink, the way we walk, we talk, are behavior. The construction of a bridge, the composition of a song are behavior. The fantasies of a child, the dreams of a adolescent, the illusions of an alcoholic are behavior. Although we are all familiar with human behavior, a little do we understand or we can explain about it. Since our infancy we learn about behavior through the experiences and the knowledge that we get by observing other people or having relations with them. Living in society leads us to watch and try to explain the way people behave. But that is not always easy. Sometimes we cannot understand even ourselves. Psychology comes to give answers to all this uncertainty. Therefore, according to modern psychology, the term behavior means all the conscious, unconscious, verbal, mental and kinetic expressions of ourselves. Psychology uses statistic researches so as to distinguish the normal behavior from the abnormal one. Such a thing is very difficult because every society has its own behavior standards, and, consequently, an act that is normal according to one society, may be abnormal according to another. For example, polygamy is not permitted in Europe, but it is permitted in certain societies in Africa. So, the judgement of a behavior must bear in mind the social environment in which it takes place .Show MoreRelatedIntroduction to Organizational Psychology1189 Words   |  5 PagesOrganizational Psychology Introduction Psychology is a social science, which entails the study of mans thinking and activities. Psychology applies in various fields that involving human kind, such as organizations. Processes such as employment, recruiting and socialization in an organization apply the psychology principle under workplace. Biological, social and psychological are the major principles used in organizations during the decision-making and recruitment process. 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